Pocket Neighborhoods for Special Niches


Luna Azul community for adults with disabilities features two pocket neighborhood clusters connected to the Center House with a linear walkway.

Here is a community designed to provide safe and permanent housing for adults with intellectual, developmental and acquired disabilities. Over the years we’ve helped create pocket neighborhoods for singles and empty nesters, market-rate multi-generational buyers and folks needing affordable housing. When developer Mark Roth approached us about creating a safe and supportive pocket neighborhood for disabled adults like his daughter, we were all for it. “Few options exist today for adults with disabilities, or for their families,” says Roth. “Pocket neighborhoods are a great concept and already popular, especially among adults seeking greater energy efficiencies in their homes and more intimate community living and support systems.”

Builder Online posted an article with more background and information on Luna Azul. Listen to an NPR story here, and visit the Luna Azul website. The first phase is complete.

Concept Plan Luna AzulThe site Roth has chosen is in the Phoenix metro area—a very different climate condition and cultural heritage than most sites we work with. For this, we’ve developed vernacular design elements and materials familiar with the region. We’re incorporating deep arcades, trellised ramadas and fountains. Fundamentally, though, the community includes many of the design bones we’ve used in virtually all of our pocket neighborhoods: small clusters, shared commons at the heart, corralled cars, layers of personal space, room-sized front porch, private back yard, nested houses, and more.

Birdsys C3Holding the center between two clustered pocket neighborhoods (30 dwellings total) is the Center House, with community gathering spaces, exercise center, offices, and guest spaces. In the courtyard will be a pool and patio, covered outdoor room with a fireplace, and lawn.

Living in this community will be some residents who, because of their disabilities, are prone to wander. For this reason, there is a complete perimeter wall for their safety. We generally don’t like gated communities; however, in this case, it’s required. A guest coming to visit will first see the front of the two-story Center House—appearing like a gracious larger home. It is decidedly non-institutional. Cars tuck into a small lot shielded with a landscaped berm. To the side, in as non-descript manor as possible, a drive angles off to a gate. On the looped drive are parallel, pull-in and carport parking spaces for residents’ families, guests and service providers.

Birdseye C1The housing clusters, while similar, are laid out with differentiating elements. For spatial clarity, especially for residents with autism, a central linear walkway ties the pocket neighborhoods through the Center House.

—Ross Chapin

12 thoughts on “Pocket Neighborhoods for Special Niches

  1. Costillo

    How would most residents of a community like Luna Azul pay the monthly bills? Most people who have developmental disabilities either have no income at all or they get below $800 per month in total SSDI income, which is not even enough to pay rent on a studio apartment in most places! This means that the community would likely have to be at least partially subsidized by one or more levels of government, some kind of nonprofit organization, or both.

  2. Aristocratic Jack

    Obviously a community like this is not for people who are dangerous to themselves and or others, but I think we should be moving away from the group home paradigm. Group homes are basically “total institutions” disguised as ordinary houses. For those convinced that group homes are not institutional, the homes share many of the same characteristics of total institutions like psychiatric hospitals and prisons, as in a group home, there’s little if any freedom and everything is determined top-down, leaving no room for residents to make their own decisions. Unfortunately, the institutional group home model is all that social services organizations offer. The only problem I can see with communities like Luna Azul is most of those with developmental disabilities can’t afford to pay market rates for rent or mortgage (or any other big bills) as their incomes, which the overwhelming majority of the time is really just SSDI benefits received from the federal government.

  3. Lorelei Neubauer

    I realize I’ve been in touch before. The idea of such a Pocket Community has tremendous value. What’s typically being offered for high functioning Asperger’s adults is either somewhat of an insult OR it’s only priced for the very rich. Personal thoughts went into this. Unfortunately, we live in the high country. Our adult daughter has all her doctors here in Prescott. We could only hope such a community would be considered in our booming town. Prescott is ideally located about midway between Phoenix and Flagstaff with better weather than either of the two. We have 2 hospitals and numerous urgent care facilities. If needed, a drive or shuttle to Phoenix isn’t that far and done by many here. There is so much to do here year round.. We have adequate entertainment etc. Selfishly I pray for such a community here in Prescott, AZ. With Prescott real estate prices being crazy, we’d hope for consideration over greed.. Many of us have been raising an adult for many years past 18. It’s a financial drain, yet we have made sacrifices to avoid the available options for high performing adult Aspies..

    1. Ross Chapin Post author

      Lorelei, We hear the frustration of having these communities being unaffordable for many families. Unfortunately, this client did not have that as a priority. As we look to the future, we believe that including a community land trust as a partner will help enable permanently affordable and equitable homes for people.

  4. Nell Fine

    Hi, my name is Nell Fi e and I have an adult son with physical issues and also intellectual disability too. I would love to see him in a community like this! Are you aware of any like this in NC?
    Thank you for your work on this.

  5. Teresa Chestnut

    A pocket neighborhood for adults with disabilities is a smart idea. Instead of sequestering adults with disabilities in an apartment with staff who typically want to watch tv all day and do nothing with their clients, I envision a secure pocket neighborhood where staff also live onsite in separate dwellings at a discounted rate. This housing benefit would attract more people to be staff because housing would offset low wages. If grants and sponsors could build the community, clients/staff ‘s rents could pay for maintenance and a property caretaker who would also live onsite. My 40 year old son loves being outside and would wither in an apartment. Thanks for listening and perhaps advising how to get this dream accomplished. Teresa Chestnut

  6. Pingback: Accessible Design | Diversity in Design | moss Design

  7. Carolyn West

    We are a new non-profit in Montana. We will need a couple communities along this line for our full service training facilities for those who are low vision or are blind and for Veterans/and others with PTSD. The housing would be for either short term or long term up to a year, depending on what training is required for the individual to become independent. The main building would also need classrooms, dorms, laundry, kitchen and dining hall.

  8. Jim Baerg

    Ross, I’ve followed and appreciated your work for quite a while. I’ve got 2 special needs daughters so I’m especially grateful for the development of this concept.
    I do have a question about energy use. Coming from the cold north, I am sensitive to surface to floor area in buildings. Looking at your aerial views of the project, it is pretty clear that small, single family housing maximizes wall area.
    Have you worked on any multi-family variations of cottage housing. I think that you could do the same general site plan of Luna Azul, but use fewer, larger buildings with the same number of units.
    I was recently in LA and saw some very intriguing paired, old apartment buildings on Los Feliz Blvd. This evidently was a building type prior to air conditioning. Two buildings face a common courtyard with parking in the rear.
    thanks for your good work. Jim

  9. Cyndi Renicker

    This is such a wonderful idea and great solution for special needs adults. I formerly worked as an ABA therapist with children with autism. I have a heart for these children and their families. I love this concept of independent living but in a safe and secure environment with others who understand and struggle as well. With 3 + centers for autism here in the Lafayette/West Lafayette area, this type of community would be welcome in this area. Do you have any plans or know of any builders or designers who are investing in this type of housing in the Lafayette area?

    1. Ross Chapin Post author

      Cyndi, we’re glad to hear your reply, and of your work with autism. There is a need for special needs communities nearly everywhere. If you can link us to people who want to create this in your area, give us a call.

  10. Mary Bloom

    I just discovered your blog and think this idea is GREAT ! I wonder how the project is coming? On another note how about a community for disabled adults like myself who has physical impairments. In my case it’s because of a neuropathy.

    Lately trying to buy a house I see that meeting my needs although not extensive is hard to find if not impossible. No stairs, flat yards, non-slippery floors, walk in showers, those types of things.

    I live in New York State north of New York City by 2 hours. I won’t go on an on but have to say I love your ideas and your designs. I wish you were here to build me a small house. If you have any ideas I would love to hear from you.

    Thanks for caring about the rest of us,

    Mary Bloom


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